Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time For An Adjustment

Ok, so I think its time to admit that Hot Pockets all day, every day may have not been the best idea. I mean, I do like the Hot Pocket, but its nice to have a little more variety.

So while I am not going to give up Hot Pockets completely, I really do want to lose 30 lbs - so its time for an adjustment. I think its time for a "regular" low calorie, low fat diet that corresponds to my calorie intake needs. I have done some research and this means that right now I need to consume around 1600 calories a day with a limit of 54 grams of fat per day. I will continue to use a combination of fresh foods including fruit and vegetables as well as convenience food such as Hot Pockets. I think its important to be realistic, knowing that some meals have to simply be convenient.

I will also be a bit more vigilant about getting in exercise at least 3 times per week, hopefully more. As I lose weight my calorie intake will also change, so I will be sure to make you aware of that along the way.

So while my diet will probably still include one Hot Pocket per day for the convenience factor, I will be adding in a lot more fresh or "home cooked" meals.

And I will still post weigh-ins on Thursday - so wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hold on there HPD'er before you move full speed ahead into a "regular" low fat diet ... I urge you to take in some of the latest research from the Nutrition and Metabolism society. The USDA and their food pyramid (or "my pyramid" or whatever they do when they revamp their "guidelines" again next year) is a farce. why should any of us trust the usdA (What's that A stand for > agriculture of course, and most of our agriculture is wheat, corn, and soy thanks to all the gov't subsidies) to prescribe our diet? Of course they won't restrict grains. Of course they won't say much about restricting sugar. Of course they won't come out and say that a low carbohydrate diet is a reasonable option. There are lobbies to deal with and that's how we get our "balanced diet" approach. And we see where that approach has led us as a society in the past 40 or so years since George McGovern started us down that road.

    Here are some references to get you thinking!

    If you want more of Taubes, pick up his book, 'Good Calories, Bad Calories.' - the archives are a treasure trove of broken down research and debunked myths. - again a great archive to pore through.

    I started looking into all of htis about 2 years ago, and I am now off of wheat (except beer), mostly off of other grains, and get my carbohydrates mainly from fruit and non-starchy veg. I eat a lot of grass fed beef, locally raised non-vegetarian diet chicken and eggs, and am pretty much loving life. I don't miss the grains at all. I feel like I'm doing the right thing .. we didn't get here evolutionarily by milling flour from otherwise indigestble wheat, we got here eating natural whole foods. When I have more than about 5 drinks/week, my weight inches up. When I abstain, it goes down.

    As a side note a lot of other health problems have gone poof. Haven't used my inhaler in over a year. No more dermatitis which for awhile was a big problem and made me glad I didn't work in a profession where I had to do manual labor or wash my hands frequently. It's all been a very interesting experience, I should probably blog about it myself but for now you get the data dump and you're looking to switch paths, you may wish to consider this one.
