Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Uuuuggghhhhh! I am so depressed! I took a sneak peek at the scale this morning and its not looking good. Can a few cookies really bring me back to where I started? I thought 3500 calories made up a lb?! I mean I have to reduce my diet by that to lose one, but it seems I only have to consume about 500 to gain one! Maybe I should have just waited til Thursday like I'm supposed to, but now I'm just down in the dumps. Oh - and there was a fly in my coffee this morning. Ewww. Its just been that kind of day and its not even noon yet!

I guess I will definitely be doing some exercise today. Maybe I will take the girls out for a walk - that could be fun!

Wish me luck - maybe it was just a fluke this morning. I sure hope so!

1 comment:

  1. As a registered nurse, it is not surprising to me that you are having problems losing weight on this diet. While the calorie count might be in line with weight loss goals, the sodium level of products like these is extremely high. This is not at all healthy and can cause water retention leaving you bloated and heavier. You may think this is a fun pop culture experiment, but don't think that you are the next Jared from Subway. His experiment was at least healthy.
